J Behcet Uz Child Hosp: 1 (3) Volume: 1 Issue: 3 - 2011
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1. 2011-3 Dergi Kapağı Page 97
2. Inequalities In Infant Mortality: An Evaluation of The Situation In The World And Turkey Işıl Ergin , Hür Hassoydoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.098 Pages 98 - 104
3. Evaluation of Drug Poisoning in Children Pamir Gülez , Hasan Ağın, Hurşit Apa, Nesrin Gülez, Murat Hızarcıoğlu, Ertan Kayserilidoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.105 Pages 105 - 109
4. Detection of Legionella species from bronchoalveolar lavage fluids and transtracheal aspiration samples by Polymerase Chain Reaction method Şöhret Aydemir , Feza Bacakoğludoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.110 Pages 110 - 114
5. Effect of G6PD Deficiency on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia İlker Günay doi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.115 Pages 115 - 120
6. Evaluation of Cases of Diabetic Ketoascidosis in Intensive Care Units Murat Tutanç , Tanju Çelik, Fatmagül Başarslan, Ali Güneş, Çapan Konca, Servet Yel, Mehmet Boşnakdoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.121 Pages 121 - 125
7. Is there any prognostıc sıgnıfıcance of age ın gastroıntestınal stromal tumor? Ragıp Ortaç, Malik Ergin, Safiye Aktaş, Gülden Diniz , Günyüz Temir, Ayşe Erbaydoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.126 Pages 126 - 130
8. Vıtamın D Dependent Rıckets Type I and II: Case Reports Pamir Gülez , Murat Hızarcıoğludoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.131 Pages 131 - 136
9. A case of Kawasaki disease presenting with Meningitis Ali Kanık , Kayı Eliaçık, Neslihan Zengin, Pınar Kuyum, Fulya Kamit, Süleyman Nuri Bayram, Mehmet Helvacıdoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.137 Pages 137 - 139
10. Omphalomesenteric duct anomalies in neonate: Case reports Özgül Sahiloğlu , Nurseli Toksoy, Lida Bülbül, Melike Özberk Koç, Sami Hatipoğludoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.140 Pages 140 - 142
11. Primary Progressive Tuberculosis in an Adolescent with Presentation of Clubbing Tanju Çelik , Murat Tutanç, Ramazan Davran, Vefik Arıca, Mehmet Kösedoi: 10.5222/buchd.2011.143 Pages 143 - 145
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