J Behcet Uz Child Hosp: 6 (2) Volume: 6 Issue: 2 - 2016
Show Abstracts | << Back 1. Cover Page I
2. Presentation and management of classical urea cycle disorders: lessons from our experience Sema Kalkan Uçar , Ebru Canda, Melis Köse, Mehtap Kağınıcı, Özge Altun Köroğlu, Şebnem Çalkavur, Sara Habif, Mahmut Çokerdoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.089 Pages 89 - 96
3. Ethical Sensitivity Levels of Pediatric Nurses and The Factors Affecting This Sensitivity Arzu Tazegün , Ayda Çelebioğludoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.097 Pages 97 - 102
4. Clinical and Laboratory Evaluation of Cases with Egg Allergy Hikmet Tekin Nacaroğlu , Semiha Bahçeci Erdem, Cansu Çetin Şentürk, Sait Karaman, Canan Şule Ünsal Karkıner, Esra Toprak, Demet Candoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.103 Pages 103 - 108
5. Documentation of Our Neuroblastoma Cases ( 49 Cases, Retrospective Study) Zübeyde Yıldırım Ekin , Hülya Tosun Yıldırım, Bengü Demirağ, Ceren Sayar, Rahmi Gökhan Ekin, Safiye Aktaş, Gülden Diniz, Canan Vergindoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.109 Pages 109 - 112
6. Determination of Mothers’ The Ideas And Practices Related to Sing Lullabies Among 0-3 Aged Children in Konya, Selcuklu Ayşe Sonay Türkmen, Güley Arslan doi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.113 Pages 113 - 118
7. Assosiation of Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Clinical Findings of Children with Cerebral Palsy Mustafa Kartal, Gürkan Gürbüz, Ünsal Yılmaz, Aycan Ünalp doi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.119 Pages 119 - 126
8. Determination of Fatherhood Role Perception of Fathers with Children Aged 3-6 years and the Affecting Factors Ayberk Asena Telli, Hava Özkan doi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.127 Pages 127 - 134
9. Family functioning, psychopathology and quality of life in children and adolescents with alopecia areata Ayşe Kutlu , Selcen Kundakdoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.135 Pages 135 - 142
10. Evaluating the correlation between maternal role and parenting behavior Özlem Koç, Hava Özkan , Hediye Bekmezcidoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.143 Pages 143 - 150
11. Trichosporon asteroides: A novel ethiological agent of Kerion celsi in a child Bilge Aldemir Kocabaş , Adem Karbuz, Ergin Çiftçi, Fırat Beğde, Selver Ametoglou, Ali Adil Fouad, Ayşe Kalkancı, Zeynep Ceren Karahan, Derya Aysev, Erdal İncedoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.151 Pages 151 - 154
12. Noninvoluting congenital hemangioma in a term neonate: Case report Zübeyde Kılınç, Şahin Hamilçıkan, Abdurrahman Özel, Feyza Coşkun, Emrah Can doi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.155 Pages 155 - 156
13. Kawasakı Dısease Complıcated By Facıal Nerve Palsy: A Case Report And Revıew Of Lıterature Adem Karbuz , Bilge Aldemir Kocabaş, Halil Özdemir, Murat Tanyıldız, Cem Karadeniz, Metehan Özen, Ergin Çiftçi, Ercan Tutar, Erdal İncedoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.157 Pages 157 - 161
14. Human metapneumovirus pneumonia: Case report Murat Özcan , Yüksel Yurdugül, Melis Akpınar, Demet Altun, Semra Tunçbilek, Serdar Ümit Sarıcıdoi: 10.5222/buchd.2016.162 Pages 162 - 164
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