This study was conducted to investigate the parenting behavior of fathers in the postpartum period.
This comparative and descriptive study was carried out with 130 fathers of healthy babies in a maternity hospital between April 15, 2012 and September 25, 2012. The data were collected using a questionnaire and the Postpartum Parenting Behavior Scale (PPBS). Higher scores taken in the scale indicate that parent has more positive parenting behavior toward the baby. Prior to conduct the study, the approval of the ethics committee and permission from the institution have been obtained. The data were assessed using percentage distribution, mean, variance analysis, and independent samples t-test.
Of the fathers, 46.9% was in the 20-29 age group, 42.3% was primary school graduate, 80.0% was employed, and 91.5% was found to want this pregnancy. The average score of the fathers in the scale was found to be 3.11±2.03. The difference between the mean PPBS scores was found to be significant in terms of the education level of fathers (p<0.05), and family type, infant's gender, income status, and the number of living children were found to have no effect on the mean PPBS scores (p>0.05).
It was revealed that fathers' mean parenting behavior score is at medium levels, and education status and wanted pregnancy status were found to affect the mean score.