Tracheal atresia/agenesis (TA) is associated with other congenital anomalies (TACRD and/or VACTERL). In this study, a female newborn with TA who had all the elements associated with TACRD and VACTERL was reported. The patient with TA, tracheo-esophageal fistula (TEF) connecting to the esophagus at the level of the carina, persistent left superior vena cava, duodenal atresia, vertebral and limb defects, bilateral hydronephrosis, and persistent cloaca was operated on postnatal 5th day. Band ligation to the abdominal esophagus, gastrostomy, duodenal atresia repair and diverting colostomy due to persistent cloaca were performed. The lungs were bilaterally expanded in the first postnatal, preoperative and postoperative chest radiographs. Oxygen saturation remained above 90% until the patient died suddenly on the postnatal 8th day. TA is a very rare congenital anomaly that causes postnatal respiratory distress. This case is unique among the literature on TACRD and VACTERL associations for many reasons. Esophageal band ligation in TA cases with TEF is a method that keeps the pressure in the esophagus at an appropriate level and provides air passage to the trachea via fistula.