E-ISSN: 2822-4469

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1.Correlation of the Interval Between Single Phase Computed Tomography and Direct Abdominal Radiography with the Success of Collecting System Imaging in Trauma Patients
Bade Toker Kurtmen, Bengisu Karbuzoğlu, Sibel Tiryaki
doi: 10.4274/jbuch.galenos.2024.24022  Page 0

2.Long-Term Outcomes of Patients with Giant Hydronephrosis After Pyeloplasty
Ayşe Başak Uçan, Begüm Sönmez, Ayşe Demet Payza, Arzu Şencan
doi: 10.4274/jbuch.galenos.2024.79989  Page 0

3.Speech and Language Delay in Children: Child Neurology Experience
Betül Diler Durgut, Emine Tekin
doi: 10.4274/jbuch.galenos.2024.96992  Page 0

4.The Effectiveness of Computed Tomography Texture Analysis in Distinguishing Wilms Tumor from Neuroblastoma
Abdi Gürhan, İbrahim Altındaş, Buket Kara, Zuhal İnce Bayramoğlu, Mehmet Öztürk, Yavuz Köksal
doi: 10.4274/jbuch.galenos.2024.42492  Page 0

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