With development of newer devices and techniques, transcatheter closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) has been established as a first choice treatment. In this study, cases with PDA who were closed using Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) and Amplatzer Duct occluder (ADO II) are presented, and the efficacy and safety of closure of PDA using these devices are discussed.
Eighty-two patients (13 ADO, 69 ADO II) underwent transcatheter closure between January 2010 and April 2015, PDA closure was successful in 81 patient. We retrospectively reviewed these cases.
Median age was 3 years. Narrowest diameter of PDA was 2.39±0.91 mm. Procedure duration and fluoroscopy time were 55 minutes and 11 minutes, respectively. Procedure was successful in 98.8% of cases. In successful 81 cases, ADO was used in 12, ADO II was used in 69 cases. As a minor complication, only 5 patients had minimal residual shunt during the acute period. Residual shunt was completely disappeared in 4 patients. Only major complication in our study was device embolisation which was occurred in one patient who were closed with ADO. In this case, device was removed using snare, and PDA was closed with surgery.
PDA closure has been currently succeeded in many centres. In this study, we reviewed cases who were underwent PDA closure using ADO and ADO II devices during last five years. Based on our findings, we suggest that transcatheter closure of PDA using these devices is safe and reliable option with low complication rate which is consistent with literature.