Our aim was to determine bone mineral density (BMD) in children with type 1 diabetes by quantitative ultrasonography (QUS) and influential factors.
BMD was measured by QUS using Sunlight Omnisense 7000 device from the radius after the calibration. BMD SDS values of all patients were measured and com- pared with the reference data of Sunlight Omnisense 7000 device and those of publis- hed for healthy Turkish children.
Eighty six (41 females, 45 males) type 1 diabetic patients who had the mean age of 10.9±3.7 years were included in the study. The mean score of Z1-SDS was 0156±0830 (2.2-1.8), The mean score of Z2-SDS score was 0155±0799 (-2.3-1.8). SDS<0 and ≥0 values of Z1 and Z2 in type 1 diabetic children were analyzed in terms of duration of diabetes, mean HbA1c, daily insulin dose for use (Z1: 39.3±31.6 and 32.7±21.2/mo p>0.05, Z2: 39.2±29.8 and 34.4±30.9/mo p>0.05, Z1: 0.84±0.23 and 0.75±0.23U/kg/d p>0.05 Z2: 0.90±0,24 and 0.76±0.22 U/kg/d p<0.05, Z1: 9.62±2.00 and 8.94±1.86% p>0.05 Z2: 9.87±1.90, and 9.02±1.91 %; p>0.05). The daily insulin dosage in the group with Z2 bone density score of <0 was significantly higher than those with Z2> 0 (0.90±0.24 and 0.76±0.22 U/kg/day, respectively p<0.05).
Ultrasonographic bone density measurement method may be used along with follow up of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.