Peripheric Stem Cell Collection Practices At Childhood
P: 151 - 156

Peripheric Stem Cell Collection Practices At Childhood

J Dr Behcet Uz Child Hosp 2018;8(2):151-156
1. University of Health Sciences Bursa Yüksek İhtisas Training and Research Hospital, Faculty Member at Pediatric Hemotology Oncology Clinic
2. University of Health Sciences, Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital, Pediatric Hemotology Oncology Clinic
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 2018-07-31T11:47:49
Accepted Date: 2018-08-06T17:04:32


Stem cell transplant is a curative treatment option for many diseases, which are both malign and benign. Periferic stem cell is used as a source of stem cell for 99% of autologous stem cell transplants as well as more than 70% of allogenic stem cell transplants. Hence the amount of periferic blood stem cells is less than it is found in bone marrow, it is a necessity to ensure stem cell transfer from bone marrow through periferic blood. This procedure is called as mobilisation and the drug used for this procedure is also called as mobilisation agent.

In general, G-CSF is either used separately or with chemotherapy for the mobilisation of hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow to periferic blood. G-CSF is also used for allogenic periferic stem cell mobilisation. The combination of GCSF and plerixafor is a significant treatment option in the event of mobilisation failures. Optimal collection time for autologous and allogenic cases is determined based upon the assessment of CD34+ cell numbers in periferic blood. The number of CD34+ cells must be > 10 - 20/μL as a threshold. The sufficiency of collected product is assessed by the number of CD34+ cells in the product.

It is of great importance for an experienced apheresis team to be acquainted with the methods applied and their side effects as well as to inform patients and donors with regard to the quality of performed procedure.

apheresis, bone marrow, stem cell, Granulocyte colony stimulating factor G-CSF