Testicular torsion is a pathologic condition caused by the rotation of spermatic cord and testis around its axis causes acute scrotal pain. In our study 43 patients were analyzed retrospectively which were operated in our clinic with a diagnosis of testicular torsion in the 8-year period.
Forty-three patients operated with the diagnosis of testicular torsion between January 2008 - December 2015 were retrospectively evaluated.
We detected testicular torsion in 35 patients peroperatively and performed detorsion or orchiectomy but there were no testicular torsion in 8 patients. The age range was between 0-17 years. Twelve (31%) patients had right and 23 patients (69%) had left testicular torsion. In thirteen patients (37%) presenting within the first 12 hours, detorsion was applied. Eighteen patients admitted between 12-24 hours (52%); detorsion applied in 8 (23%) and 10 (29%) required orchiectomy. Four (%12) patients admitted later than 24 hours; one (3%) detorsioned and in 3 patients (9%) orchiectomy was performed.
Testicular torsion is one of the most common causes of acute scrotum in children and adolescents. The bell clapper deformity detected in 12% of males is the most important reason that leads testicular torsion. In exploration, the most important criteria in determining the loss of testis is the degree and duration of torsion.
As a result, testicular torsion is most common and serious cause in children and adolescents that may result in loss of the testicles. The most important factors that determine the success rate of treatment is early diagnosis and surgery.