We aimed to reveal the factors contributing to the success of participants and change in the level of knowledge following Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) courses in our country.
Type of our study is descriptive. Electronic and printed course report files were used for data collection. Participant data collected from course reports were occupation, specialty, working place, sex, pre-test, post-test, results of final exam and practice exam.
In the second half of 2007, 1411 health workers attended NRP provider courses. Difference between pre and post-test results was significant. A final exam is given to the participants at the end of the provider course which aims to evaluate the course and participants and also a legislative necessity for certification. Mean score of participants was 94.8±4.7 for written test and 95.5+-4.5 for practice. Also differences were found in respect to occupation, working place and sex for the results of pre-test, post-test, written exam and practice session.
NRP training has achieved a significant increase of knowledge and skill levels of the health workers in our study group. In order to assess impact of NRP on practice; knowledge and skills should be evaluated with a follow-up following the training.