The hospitalization of children is very stressful experience for both parents and children. Play is an effective means to ensure that hospitalized children cope with stress. Plays are a highly valued aspects of care at the hospital. Since it is one of the key elements in the healthy development of children, familiarizing with all aspects of plays, and using them in care and treatment practices related to children will help health professionals to make an important contribution to the recovery process of children. In today's health institutions, where an increase in health service quality is pursued, play units must be established for children and certain professionals, such as play therapists, should be employed in these units. In developed countries, plays are used for therapeutic purposes at each stage of treatment and care. In order to reduce the stress experienced by children associated with hospital and diseases, the "therapeutic play" or "therapeutical play” concepts have emerged. The therapeutic plays can be used in any stage starting from readying the children for hospitalization to the discharge process.