Objective: Analysis of detailed renal sonographic findings in the patients whom referred to our tertiary center with the diagnosis of renal pelvic dilatation (RPD) after 24 weeks of gestation.
Method: The study group consisted of the patients who have referred by their doctors to our perinatology center with a diagnosis of pelviectasy. Maternal age, gestational week, right and left renal pelvis diameter, bladder diameter, amniotic fluid index, other sonographic findings and antenatal diagnosis were analysed.
Results: Bilateral hydronephrosis were detected in 19 (44.18%) patients. Unilateral left hydronephrosis were found in 10 (23.25%) patients while right hydronephrosis were found in 6 (13.95%) patients. Mearn left renal pelvis diameter was 11.20 (4-32) mm and mean right renal pelvis diameter was 7.89 (4-18) mm. Antenatal diagnosis was vesicoureteral reflux in 16 (37.20%) patients, ureteropelvic junction obstruction in 9 (20.93%) patients, posterior urethral valves in 5 (11.62%) patients. The antetanal diagnosis was renal agenesia in one patient, renal cortikal cyst in one patient, policyctic renal disease in one patients and multiple dysplastic renal disease in 3 patients.
Conclusion: When RPD is detected in the fetal ultrasound of during pregnancy, directing the patients to the perinatal centers for advanced evaluation is important, since it can prevent the progressive renal damage that may develop in the later years of life.