Epididymal cysts are very rare benign cysts of the rete testis, ductuli efferentes or epididymis. They usually present in peripubertal males with scrotal pain or mass and can also be diagnosed incidentally during a physical examination. They can be seen at a rate of 5-14% depending on age of the children with a scrotal anomaly. The etiology is not fully known but they are seen more commonly (20%) in children whose mother received diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy. The diagnosis is with physical examina- tion and ultrasonography. The cysts resolve spontaneously in most cases and can be therefore safely monitored unless they are very big or cause pain. Painful cysts may need to be excised. We present a 13-year-old case with an epididymal cyst who presen- ted with a left scrotal mass and pain and had to undergo excision after 6 months of monitoring as the pain did not resolve.