Immigration is a phenomenon directly related to the socio-cultural, economic and political structure of societies and has existed throughout the history of humanity. Immigration is always a major cause of social changes. Although immigration occurs due to various reasons, it is the children who are most affected by immigration and its social consequences. In recent immigration movements in the world, children appear as a new and important group and have become an important part of the political agenda. Immigration adversely affects the lives of children and can lead to the emergence of persistent health problems. All the negativities experienced by children in this process deteriorate their physical, mental and social structure deeply, and these negativities sometimes can cause even permanent damage to them. Children are in a special place in immigration, because of their large number in the immigration population and need for protection. Because they are weak and vulnerable to dangers, children are affected by the results of immigration at different levels and from different aspects. Therefore, it is believed that more attention should be paid to their health problems, and solutions to these problems. Considering this fact, this article aims to investigate the importance of immigration in terms of children’s health and related nursing interventions.