Children who get necessary love in family and school life may have an important role for a peaceful life in the future. The purpose of this study is defining the teachers’ liking of children, and difference of this liking between male and female teachers.
The sample of this study includes total 500 teachers, 155 of them are from primary schools, 314 from secondary schools and 21 from the other educational institutions. To define these teachers’ liking of children, data collected with Barnett Liking of Children Scale and demografic data collection form.
In point of gender, there was no statistical differences between male and female teachers regarding liking of children. It was found that liking of children points were high in teachers with higher age, married teachers and teachers who had children and these differences were statistically significant. In addition, teachers’ liking of children points who like their job and choose voluntarly this job were higher than the other teacher and this difference was statistically significant.
When considering the effect of teachers’ importance on children’s lifes it was determined that teachers’ liking of children vary depending on many factors and awarness has been created on this subject.