Cisplatin is a widely used anticancer drug. The aim of this study is to investigate biochemical biomarkers that can be used for identification of cisplatin cardiotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.
Study is conducted on female Wistar Albino rats weighing 200-300 gr. Rats were seperated into two grous as cisplatin administered group (n=5) and control group (n=7). Intraperitoneal cisplatin (cumulative dose 16mg/kg) administered to first group and second group received physiological serum. All rats were sacrificed at day 14 of the study. BNP, troponın I, CK MB, urea, creatinine were measured in rat blood samples. All blood samples were stored at -80 until measuremen
Troponın I, urea and creatinine concentrations of cisplatin administered rats were signicantly higher from control rats.
Urea and creatinine may be a used for identification of cisplatin nephrotoxicity and troponın I may be a good biomarker for detection of cisplatin cardiotoxicity.