The aim of this study was to evaluate the assosiation with kranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and clinic comorbities of cerebral palsy (CP) like gross motor classification system(GMFCS) level, mental retardation, hearing disabilities, visuel disabilities, epilepsy.
The medical records (ages, genders gestational age, gestational weight, the delivery method, intrauterine presentation, relationship of parents, similar medical history of family members, cranial MRI findigs, and clinical subtype of CP, motor impairment level, mental retardation, visuel and hearing disabilities, epilepsy) of the patients who were followed up in Pediatric Neurology Department at Izmir Dr Behçet Uz Children’s Hospital between January 2012 and November 2013 were examined retrospectively.
In this study totally 128 patients of which 73 male (57%) and55 female (43%) were included. 115 patients (89.8% had documented cranial MRI abnormalities; the most common which were periventricular white matter injury PVWMI(53.1%), cerebral malformation (11.7%), gray matter injury (11.7%), cerebrovascular event (10.9%). Also 0.8% of the patients had non-spesific radiolojic findings. The most coexisiting disorder with cerebral palsy was mental retardation (81.4%), also epilepsy (55.5%), visuel diasabilities (27.9%), hearing disabilities (8.6%) were the other comorbidies. The relationship between MRI findings and subtype of CP, mental retardation, visuel disabilities, epilepsy was insignificant (p>0.05). We found only grey matter injury as a MRI finding was significiantly linked with hearing disability and motor impairment severity (GMFCS).
Although CP is known as a disease with motor disability early diagnosis and treatment of theese comorbidities will affect positively quality of life of these childeren.