This study aims to investigate the psychopathology, quality of life, perception and self-image of children and adolescents who were diagnosed with obesity; as well as their parents behaviours, coping skills.
Our study was conducted on 30 patients between the age of 8 -18 years.
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children was applied to both groups, The Quality of Life Scale for Children was applied to the children and adolescents as well as their parents. To determine the methods of child rearing and coping strategies with stress, parents were given the Family Life and Child Rearing Demeanours Scale and the Coping Strategies Scale.
There were no significant sociodemographic differences between the two groups except for parents’ educational level and socioeconomic status. While no differences were found on parenting styles and coping strategies, a higher percentage of psychiatric illnesses were detected and the quality of life perception of parents was found lower in the obese group. Self-image scores were not varied between obese children and healthy controls. When mothers of the two groups were compared, higher obesity was observed in the mothers of the obese children.
The perception of quality of life for obese children and adolescents seem alike with control groups’ perception. However, the fact that obese children and adolescents’ parents claim that their children’s quality of life is not equal to other groups shows that obese children and adolescents are less aware of health condition and following problems they have and might possible attain in the future.