Red reflex testing is an essential component of the pediatric examination. The test is used to detect opacities in the visual axis, such as cataracts, corneal opacities, and abnormalities of the fundus including retinoblastoma and retinal detachment. When both eyes are viewed simultaneously, potential amblyogenic conditions, such as asy- mmetric refractive errors and strabismus, can be identified. Ophthalmoscope is focu- sed on each pupil from 30-45 cm away. Then both eyes are viewed simultaneously from 90 cm away. Dark dots in the red reflex, a blunted or absent red reflex, or presence of a white reflex (leukocoria) are indications for referral of the patient to the ophtalmolo- gist.
Red reflex, pediatric eye examination, opacities in the visual axis, cataract, retinoblastoma