Mastitis and breast abscess do not occur frequently during neonatal period. The most common pathogen is Staphylococcus aureus. Gram negative species are rarely the cause. Treatment of breast abscess is mainly surgical drainage of the abscess, and with the use of proper antibiotics complete resolution is attainable. If not treated properly, severe suppurative complications may develop. A 40 days old infant was hospitalized with a 15 days of history of redness, swelling and warmth on the left breast, despite she had been treated with breast abscess diagnosis in another health care center.Breast abcsess was shown on ultrasound; surgical drainage was performed. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from pus sample; and appropriate antibiotics were used according to the culture antibiogram results for treatment. In this article, a case of breast abscess which is remarkable for occurring in neoanatal period and having a rare cause as Pseudomonas aeruginosa was reported with a review of recent literature.